Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What The Blog?

Welcome to Blogsmeade, my little part of the internet!

Why Blogsmeade?  Obviously because this is a blog!  Also, I love all things Harry Potter.  (Duh.)

This blog won't be solely about HP, though.  This blog will be about things I love.  I love all things Harry Potter.  I like to repeat myself.  I love photography and traveling.  I like clothes. And shoes. And accessories.  I love geeking out.  I love my family and my husband.  I love other stuff too, but what would be the point of writing a blog if I'm just going to list them here?

If I had to describe myself in three words, they would be "unicorn, oatmeal, and night owl."  Okay, those are nouns, but I never professed to be a wordsmith.  Or even proficient in the English language. But I do like unicorns and oatmeal.

Welcome to my quirkiness!  (If you're interested in learning how to create wizarding recipes in a Muggle kitchen, check out my other blog The Butterbeer Chronicles.)


  1. Perhaps you could do a Q&A for your friends who have lots and lots of questions about wandlore. I was re-reading HP7 last weekend and asked Meg a question on wandlore. It went like this:

    Me: blahblahblah wandlore question?
    Meg: I don't know.
    Me: C7 WOULD KNOW!
