Friday, June 17, 2011

The Magic Will Never End

The end is nigh :(  

As you've probably guessed from my blog's name (and the first few blog entries), I am a HUGE HARRY POTTER NERD. It might surprise you to know, however, that I once refused to read Harry Potter at all. *SMELLING SALTS*  

That's right, folks. The gal who proudly sports a license plate bearing Harry's signature spell once told friends, "Those books are for kids. I'm not reading them." (It pains me to type such blasphemy. Knowing my own lips uttered those words cuts me even deeper. I bleed my own blood.) Thank the hippogriff, I came to my senses.

Now that we're less than a month away from the seventh (eighth?) and final movie, I thought I'd write my own letter to JKR from a fan's perspective. (I can't call her Jo; she's always JKR in my head.)

Dear JKR,

Thank you for bringing magic to life. Thank you for giving us a smashing new vocabulary. Thank you for introducing us to characters so real we wish they were our friends in real life.  

Thank you for bringing the joy that is reading to children everywhere - and rekindling that joy in those of us who forgot. Thank you for creating a world that kids and self-respecting adults can share together - one that can be openly discussed in classrooms, in our workplaces, and at the dinner table. Or worn on shirts suitable for public viewing.

Thank you for showing us that love will conquer evil, but victory comes with a price.  Thank you for the years of mystery, anticipation, and in the end, awe. Thank you for the story that launched a hundred billion internet friendships.  I will forever treasure the time I spent with Harry, Ron, and Hermione at Hogwarts.


Come July 15, I will be a sobbing, snotty mess in the theater.  I'm already misty-eyed just watching the final trailer for HP7 Part 2.



  1. I didn't read the series until 2008 because NBC made me. It wasn't that it was for kids, it was because it was about wizards. I don't like books about magic and wizards!

    Oh man, that trailer gave me chills!

  2. Ha! My college roommate "forced" me to read them in 2002. I owe her!

  3. I refused until 2 weeks before the last book came out. Then read them all in that time frame. :)

    Good stories never end.
